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Steel Storage Building Uses on the Farm

Written by Bobbii Dickey | May 11, 2018 9:44:00 PM

Steel storage buildings can serve a wide range of needs on your farm. With a long lifespan, customizability, and durable structure, they are ideal for many Iowa farmers. Whether you need a home for your livestock or a new workspace for yourself, a steel storage building could be the perfect solution.


Farm Equipment

It takes a lot of heavy machinery to keep life on the farm going. From tractors and hay balers to combines and plows, you need a lot of storage for your farm equipment. Steel storage buildings are the perfect place to keep your farm equipment stored, safe, and protected. Because of the strength of steel, these buildings can be custom made to the size you need. Optimize the land you have available by keeping all of your equipment in one place.



Livestock is a huge investment, and steel storage buildings are the perfect “bank” in which to keep them. These buildings will protect your livestock from the elements as well as any dangerous predators that might be lurking in the land around your farm. Steel buildings also make an ideal area for milking, sheering, or feeding. The inside can be customized to meet your specific needs.


Feed and Hay

Steel buildings are ideal places to store your feed and hay. Protect them from being damaged by the elements or eaten by trespassing creatures. Your feed and hay will be safe and dry in a steel building, saving you money on wasted supplies. You can even design your livestock and feed buildings in tandem for efficient feeding.



Scale down your steel building to turn it into a toolshed. Organize all the gears and gadgets you need on a day-to-day basis.



You know that it takes a lot of hard work to maintain your farm, but who says you can’t have fun while you’re doing it? A steel building makes a great place for your own personal workshop. You can use it to work on vehicles and machinery, tap into your woodworking dream, or pursue a different personal hobby. Steel buildings have endless potential for you and your family. Consider adding a steel building to use as

  • An indoor basketball court
  • An indoor batting cage
  • An at-home gym
  • An art studio
  • A rec room
  • A man cave (or lady lair!)
  • A home office

The possibilities for your steel storage buildings are endless!


Are you in need of steel farm buildings in Iowa? Look no further than Pro-Line Building Company. For more than 25 years, Pro-Line has been a trusted name among Iowa builders. Give us a call today!